Terms and conditions


    This website uses cookies, information that the browser stores in order to offer you the best possible browsing experience.

    Cookies simplify and speed up the interaction of users with the our website. Without cookies, adding products to the cart or remembering the details of user preferences would be enormously difficult. We use cookies to simplify navigation within the website as much as possible, add items to the cart, without having to log into your account each time.

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    Essential cookies are those that allow you to access our website, browse products, order and navigate pages with ease. Without these cookies it is not possible to use our site in a simple way.

    Cookies relating to the account and the service offered

    We use the Shopify platform to manage these processes. We use cookies to manage the registration process and general administration.

    This site offers e-commerce services and some cookies are essential to ensure that your order is processed correctly.

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    Functional cookies

    These cookies help us offer extra functionality on our site. These are not strictly necessary in order to use the site, however they enable features that will make browsing and shopping with us much easier.

    Preference cookies

    In some cases we use cookies to track the interest of our visitors in our products. Sometimes we use it to understand what our customers are really interested in, and to make sure we offer the right things. This helps us to create more relevant advertisements by showing you only products that you have already viewed or similar to those you have already seen on our website. This is known as behavioral advertising and is tailored to each individual user, however cookie data is always anonymised and stored only temporarily. These banners will always contain an "i" icon that will provide information on the advertising network used and information on how to opt out, if desired.

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    Bellagio Glass Ornaments, informs you pursuant to art. 13 EU Regulation no. 2016/679 (hereinafter, "GDPR") that your data will be processed in the manner and for the following purposes:

    1. Object of the Treatment
    The supplier processes personal, identification data (name, surname, address, telephone, e-mail, bank and payment details) - hereinafter, "personal data" or even "data") communicated by you when concluding contracts for the supplier's services.

    2. Purpose of processing
    Your personal data are processed:
    2.1 Without your express consent art.6 of the GDPR, for the following Service Purposes:
    - include contracts for the supplier's services;
    - fulfill the pre-contractual, contractual and tax obligations deriving from existing relationships with you;
    - exercise the rights of the supplier, for example the right to defense in court;

    22 Only with your specific and distinct consent (Article 7 of the GDPR), for the following purposes:
    - send them via and -mail, post and / or sms and / or telephone contacts, newsletters, commercial communications and / or advertising material on products
    or services offered by the supplier detection of the degree of satisfaction with the quality of services;
    - send them via e -mail, post and / or sms and / or telephone contacts commercial and / or promotional communications from third parties (for example
    business partner)
    We inform you that if you are already our customer, we will be able to send you communications relating to services and supplier products similar to those of which
    has already used and which are part of the existing contract.

    3. Processing methods
    The processing of your personal data is carried out by means of the operations indicated in art. 4 n. 2) GDPR and more precisely: collection,
    registration, organization, storage, consultation, processing, modification, selection, extraction, comparison, use,
    interconnection, blocking, communication, cancellation and destruction of data. Your personal data are subjected to both paper
    and electronic and / or automated processing.
    The supplier will process the personal data for the time necessary to fulfill the aforementioned purposes and in any case for no more than 6 months from termination of the relationship for Service Purposes and for no more than 2 years from the collection of data for Marketing Purposes. Without prejudice to the
    provisions of the law for the retention of tax data.

    4. Access to data
    Your data may be made accessible for the purposes referred to in points 2.1 and 2.2:
    - to employees and collaborators of the supplier in their capacity as internal persons in charge and / or authorized for the processing and / or system administrators;
    - to third-party companies or other subjects (as an indication, for the provision of shipping and packaging services, postal services, etc.) who carry out
    outsourcing activities on behalf of the Data Controller, in their capacity as external data processors.

    5. Data communication
    Without the need for express consent art. 6 lett. b), c), f) of the GDPR), the Data Controller may communicate your data for the purposes referred to in point
    2.1 to those subjects to whom the communication is required by law for the accomplishment of said purposes. These subjects will process the data
    in their capacity as independent data controllers.

    6. Nature of the provision of data and consequences of the refusal to answer
    The provision of data for the purposes referred to in point 2.1 is mandatory. In their absence, we will not be able to guarantee the Services provided by the Data Controller.
    The provision of data for the purposes referred to in art. 2.2 is optional. You can therefore decide not to provide any data or to subsequently deny
    the possibility of processing data already provided: in this case, you will not be able to receive newsletters, commercial communications and advertising material
    relating to the Services offered by the Data Controller. However, you will continue to be entitled to the Services referred to in point 2.1.

    7. Rights of the interested party
    In your capacity as an interested party, you have the rights where applicable referred to in Articles 15 to 22 EU Regulation 2016/679 and more precisely: right of
    access, right of rectification, right to be forgotten, right of limitation of treatment, right to data portability, right of opposition, as well as
    the right to complaint to the Guarantor Authority.
